Speak- Taken from Acts 18:9-10

by Greg Linscott

This is something I drew on in preparing to preach, taken from Acts 18:9-10.

Fear not, for I am with you,
I am your shield and guide.
My arms will hold, support you—
I’m always close beside.
No threat will e’er distress you
Apart from my consent.
I’ll faithfully direct you;
So rest, and be content.

So speak—do not keep silent;
Proclaim the news abroad.
Declare the one called Jesus
Has paved the way to God.
The Savior’s won the pardon,
The penalty’s been paid.
Extend the invitation:
Believe—and you are saved.

The people’s hearts are ready
The gospel to receive.
Soon many in this city
Will hear—repent—believe!
Be faithful; always ready
To share my Word with men.
Call each one to repentance—
Repeat the news again!