King of Love: A Review By Greg Linscott

by Greg Linscott

King of Love Official Link (will be operational soon)
Soundforth Singers (Bob Jones University)
To be released March 19, 2008

NOTE TO READERS: Dan Forrest recently asked me to provide a review for the newest recording produced by Soundforth Music. What follows are some of my personal thoughts and observations. This review is cross-posted at CurrentChristian -GJL

Contemplation Encouraged
Overall, I found the recording to be refreshingly meditative. Familiar hymns such as “Fairest Lord Jesus” and “Be Thou My Vision” are presented in such a way that this listener was drawn to ponder anew the beauty of Christ. The accompaniment on most selections is mere and subtle, allowing the voices to carry the message clearly. This was especially helpful with selections I was not familiar with (such as “The Holy Heart,” “Hymn of Mercy,” “Gentle Voice”), but wished to listen more carefully to.

The focus of the recording- Jesus as “The King of Love”- seems to this reviewer to be reasonably maintained, particularly in the face of temptations to maintain a “current” sound to maintain a commercial appeal. The extremes of “relevance” and “revivalism” are successfully avoided. This collection seems to extend a simple invitation to the listener to consider the blessings found in Christ and the call to live in the strength He supplies.

Two Minor Quibbles
• Sometimes it seems as if recordings by Fundamentalists include the same songs as some kind of revolving, unofficial “approval system.” This collection avoided that for the most part, but not entirely (“Free From Guilt, Free From Sin” and a Craig Courtney arrangement of “Amazing Grace”).
• I had heard the song “Give Me Jesus” on another recording. Written in the style of a “spiritual,” I found a grammatical adjustment made on this recording (from “can” to “may”) to be slightly annoying and distracting.

There is much evidence that thoughtful and deliberate intent to draw listeners to meditate on Christ was placed into this recording effort. King of Love is a recording I am happy to invite you to consider purchasing for yourself. In this reviewer’s assessment, those who listen carefully will find their minds and hearts directed to the “Gentle Voice” of Jesus:

Bring your fears, and bring your care,
Bring your anger, and bring your worry.
Do you hear the voice of Jesus
Gently calling “Come unto me”?

Pertinent Link: Scott Aniol’s Review at Religious Affections